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Translation Patches

Released translation patches

Note: none of the patches below were created by, and we do not officially endorse any of them. Use at your own risk.

You can apply these to your ISOs before transferring to your PS2 HDD/burning to DVD, or load the patched games in PCSX2, including installing to virtual HDD using HDLoader OPL.

  • English
    • Silent Hell's English translation patches do two nice things:
      • translate the entire game, with few minimal exceptions, into English.
      • apply a patch for easy entry of half-width text. Without it, text is entered by default in full width, which is much more clumsy and results in fewer characters allowable per message/user name. With the half-width patch you can type in a longer username and type messages in English much more easily. To toggle between full-width and half-width text, press L2.
        • If you are going to be using keyboard chatting, however, you will likely want to follow the easier typing instructions to make half-width ASCII characters the default so that you can type as normal. Otherwise you would need to press R1 every time you would like to type another string.
          • Minor fix: Cindy NPCs in Desperate Times will not call out the safe code via ad-lib correctly when the code is 2236. The safe can still be opened if others see the ad-lib though. See Minor Translation Fix.
      • The previous site for the patches is still up at Resouttrans.
  • French
  • German
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian

Various work in progress translation patches:

  • Spanish (ES) for File1 and File2 by Nyu
  • Italian (IT) for File1 by Machi
  • English (EN) Translation Rework project by hill7en to address untranslated parts in the ENG-patch.
    • This will include JP texts located in compressed .tex files and some other minor untranslated game texts.
  • German (DE) for File1 and File2 by hill7en, contact him on Discord or our forum if you are a native speaker and would like to assist.
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Page last modified on December 26, 2024, at 05:27 PM