Originally posted by Silent Hell on the forum.
While Free Area
is generally the default and most populated area, each of the other areas has its own gameplay characteristics. Here is an explanation for each:
Free Area
: Vanilla gameplay. Can select scenarios, eliminations, or showdowns.
: Nightmare mode is on. Enemies deal double damage. Healing items restore 75% as much HP, except for George's capsule shooter which heals twice as much, and first aid spray is still a full heal
: Friendly Fire is on. Teammates can damage each other.
: Combination of Nightmare and Survival. Nightmare mode and friendly fire are both on.
: Infinite ammo for all guns. First aid sprays are infinite. Melee weapons never lose durability when attacking walls, doors, or enemies. Throw able projectiles are also infinite.
Item Hunt
: Special items twinkle to reveal their location. Your score will also be multiplied at the end of the game.
: Currently hosting Half-Horror mode. Nightmare is on, 50% starting infection rate, and Special items twinkle to reveal their location.
: Only Elimination games are playable.
: Only Showdown games are playable.
: Currently hosting Horror mode. Nightmare is on, 80% starting infection rate, and Special items twinkle to reveal their location.